26. sep. 2009

Nyheter for grønnsaker

Charlie Brooker har tittet inn i tv-boblen og funnet ut at fremtidens nyheter vil bli presentert av kjendiser. Eller vent, i England er de allerede i gang med dette:

«Finally, vegetables have a TV show of their very own. Not human vegetables. Don't be daft. This is way beneath them. I'm talking about actual vegetables: carrots, potatoes, turnips, cauliflowers … such is the target audience for Live From Studio Five. Clearly too stupid for human consumption, it is instead aimed squarely at cold, unfeeling lumps of organic matter with no discernible minds of their own. And it succeeds brilliantly at keeping them entertained. I watched last Monday's episode in the company of a clump of broccoli, and it was held in a rapt silence throughout. Well, most of the time. To be honest, I think it drifted off a bit during a Backstreet Boys report. And I had to slap it awake at the start of each ad break. Apart from that, it was spellbound.»

Hva kan man vel annet enn å sitere Public Enemy: «More News at Eleven».

Les hele omtalen her.

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