21. aug. 2008

Ute av synk

De franske synkronsvømmerne under Atlanta OL 1996 hadde planer om å skape en forestilling som kombinerte kunst, sport og humanisme. Det ble for mye for franske politikere:

For the Atlanta Games in 1996, the French synchronised swimming team prepared a routine based on the Holocaust. They were to goose-step toward the pool, before diving in and re-enacting the arrival of female Jews at the concentration camps, their abuse by Nazi doctors and their last march to the gas chambers. It would be set to music from Schindler's List. Alas, reminding us why politicians should never meddle in sport, they were ordered to abandon the enterprise by the then French sports minister, despite their protestations that it had "great emotional value".

Nok et eksempel på hvorfor politikere aldri må blande seg inn i sport. Men Droneland gleder seg til det amerikanske lagets bidrag i Beijing-OL, som treneren deres forklarer slik:

(...) he has gone back to the Bible for inspiration; he claims the routine is so complex many who see it will not understand it.

Les mer i denne artikkelen.

1 kommentar:

VamPus sa...

Erm. Jeg føler litt at det var greit å slippe å se det, egentlig..