30. apr. 2008
London velger ordfører
Dessuten er det heller ikke spesielt tillitvekkende når Johnson forsvinner dagen før valget for å unngå nærgående medier. Som det ble påpekt på BBC Radio 2 da de etterlyste Johnson under en sending som han skulle deltatt i ved lunsjtider i dag:
"Have any listeners seen a tall man with yellow hair in a blue suit? He's called Boris Johnson. Because if we don't hear from him in one minute we're doing a mayoral debate without him. It's very odd that no one can find Boris a day before the mayoral election. Has he just walked past that cafe you're sitting in? Call us if you spot him."
Kanskje londonerne bør holde seg til Ken Livingstone i fire nye år? Tross en del skandaler som er blitt avdekket i oppkjøringen til morgendagens valg har han gjort mange bra ting for å gjøre London mer levelig for folk flest.
29. apr. 2008
Fall from grace
28. apr. 2008
We Have The Technology
27. apr. 2008
Søvnløse i alle land - foren dere!
'The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the waking world.'
Det Droneland dog lurte mest på etter å ha lest denne artikkelen er at dersom Madonna er en av de søvnløse: Hvor henter hun den fysiske energien til å holde seg i form fra? Eller trener hun kanskje på natten? Det forklarer jo en del... 4 Minutes, tic-toc, tic-toc...
Men alt er ikke bare vel i de søvnløses land. Ikke overraskende kan det være en sammenheng mellom kjærlighetssorg og søvnløshet. Noe som samtidig likevel kan være ubeskrivelig vakkert og regelrett glamorøst:
Eluned Summers-Bremner is a sparky English professor, a New Zealander, a part-time insomniac and the author of a fascinating new book, Insomnia: A Cultural History, which could not be less morbid. If anything, her attitude to insomnia is cautiously celebratory. She sees insomnia as akin to falling in love - a state you can't control. (Love and sleeplessness are, after all, linked. And lovelorn insomniacs have an exhausted glamour.)
26. apr. 2008
Stiletto Killer
Last month at a Manhattan charity benefit Gwyneth wore her first shock-worthy S&M style heels, then earlier this week in Berlin she staggered down some steps in a pair of 7in shoe boots one day, and teetered on a pair of lacy platform stilettos the next. One pair required an aide for her to lean on; the other pair was accessorised with an uncomfortable look that, I'm guessing, said, "OK, I'm late with this trend, and it's not entirely me, but I'm going to persevere."
25. apr. 2008
Soft Candy
Not having to come up with any new ideas has allowed Timberlake more time to indulge in his famous hobby of thoroughly establishing that he enjoys having sex, apparently in the belief that this makes him unique.
Kanskje Droneland må spørre Justin om han er avhengig av sex neste gang han intervjuer ham. Bare sånn at vi kan få bekreftet han ikke er den hvite Michael Jackson, slik han gjerne vil tro, men derimot den hvite Usher. (Ref intervju Droneland gjorde med sistnevnte der han utbrøt at han var avhengig av sex. Hva gjør ikke enkelte folk for å få litt blest?) Noe som bringer tankene i retning av en reklame Droneland nylig spottet - Usher-parfyme. For begge kjønn. Nei, la oss ikke gå dit...
En høyst uvanlig helt
23. apr. 2008
Fastfood designer chic
22. apr. 2008
Dødelige drifter
Skamløs Brand-ing
“May I say, explicitly and without any duplicity: I like being famous. I like it. I did it on purpose. I did it quite, quite deliberately. I went into it with my eyes open, and I won’t rest until there is not a single territory on this planet where I can’t go to a supermarket. Obscurity does not suit me. You can’t have this haircut and not be famous. It’s unbecoming.”
Enda bedre er det at han håper han snart blir et husholdningsnavn i Statene sånn at det blir lettere å gå på sjekkeren:
Brand says the worst thing about not being famous is that it’s harder for him to pick up women. “Everyone tells me it’s good for me,” he says. “It doesn’t feel good. What felt good was being able to just walk up to people, tug a forelock and know that an orgasm was only moments away. This new world, of endless protocol, is like f***ing living in a Jane Austen novel.”
Utbytting eller frigjøring?
"My feminist mother was very unimpressed by the idea of a beauty pageant. Here in Norway beauty pageants are regarded as the work of the devil. They're seen as very, very politically incorrect."
Fra Dronelands perspektiv er det likevel kanskje enda mer imponerende å se at Miss Landmine er blitt omtalt på bloggen til Perez Hilton, og da med en klart mer glamorøs og minde kritisk vinkling enn le Guardian presenterer. Kanskje de to på en måte oppveier hverandre?
21. apr. 2008
Humpin' Around?
Rabatter, etc.
17. apr. 2008
Det enkleste er pistol
15. apr. 2008
Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money)
Kulturkløft i California
14. apr. 2008
London velger ordfører
Mørkt forfatterhjerte
His wife understood from the start both the scale of her husband's ambition and the punitive price to be paid in human terms. He stopped her acting on the grounds that it offended him, refused to buy her a wedding ring ('I had no interest in jewellery,' he explained blandly to his biographer) and stamped out any hope she may have had of an independent career, except in so far as he needed her initially to earn his keep.
Her world contracted as his expanded. He undermined her confidence, derided her opinions and told her she was too dull to take to parties. She stopped travelling with him because, for the last 20 years of her life, he shared his favours with a far more sophisticated and no less compliant Argentinian mistress who crisscrossed the globe at his side, providing services, principally boastful, energetic and violent sex, outside the scope of his mute, sad, stay-at-home wife.
13. apr. 2008
De siste dagers skeptikere
12. apr. 2008
This Is Not A Torch Song
The Secret Life of Arabia
1. apr. 2008
New York City Boy
Droneland oppdaget også en strålende tørr champagne mens i NY - La Caravelle.
Og hans nye favoritthotell i New York? The Hotel on Rivington. Herlig utsikt over Lower East Side og heis og ganger var som å være i en David Lynch film. Luvely!