22. apr. 2008

Skamløs Brand-ing

Man kan si mye om den britiske skuespilleren-komikeren-kjendisen Russell Brand, men når han nå er i ferd med å legge USA for sine føtter med roller i ymse cheesy komedier er det all grunn til å glede seg over at amerikanerne kommer i nærkontakt med denne typen skamløs og tidvis eksentrisk europeer. Her en feature fra Sunday Times med høydepunkter som viser mannens mangel på beskjedenhet:

“May I say, explicitly and without any duplicity: I like being famous. I like it. I did it on purpose. I did it quite, quite deliberately. I went into it with my eyes open, and I won’t rest until there is not a single territory on this planet where I can’t go to a supermarket. Obscurity does not suit me. You can’t have this haircut and not be famous. It’s unbecoming.”

Enda bedre er det at han håper han snart blir et husholdningsnavn i Statene sånn at det blir lettere å gå på sjekkeren:

Brand says the worst thing about not being famous is that it’s harder for him to pick up women. “Everyone tells me it’s good for me,” he says. “It doesn’t feel good. What felt good was being able to just walk up to people, tug a forelock and know that an orgasm was only moments away. This new world, of endless protocol, is like f***ing living in a Jane Austen novel.”

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