3. apr. 2007

Piers Morgan vs The Guardian

Den skandaleombruste tidligere Daily Mirror-redaktøren Piers Morgan har begått et strålende intervju med The Guardian-redaktør Alan Rusbridger i UK-utgaven til GQ. (Takk til Ole J for tips.) The Independent bringer oss høydepunktene herfra, så slipper man å betale for dette ellers ikke spesielt interessante magasinet. Her en liten sekvens der Morgan spør Rusbridger om lønnsnivået i den "sosialistiske" avisen The Guardian...

PM: What's your current salary?
AR: It's, er, about £350,000.
PM: What bonus did you receive last year?
AR: About £170,000, which was a way of addressing my pension.
PM: That means that you earned £520,000 last year alone. That's more than the editor of The Sun by a long way.
AR: I'll talk to you off the record about this, but not on the record.
PM: Why? In The Guardian, you never stop banging on about fat cats. Do you think that your readers would be pleased to hear that you earned £520,000 last year? Are you worth it?
AR: That's for others to say.
PM: Wouldn't it be more Guardian-like, more socialist, to take a bit less and spread the pot around a bit? We have this quaint idea that you guys are into that "all men are equal" nonsense, but you're not really, are you? You seem a lot more "equal" than others on your paper.
AR: Er... [silence].

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